Welcome to Liberation Lit

Currently here at Liberation Lit I serialize two literary novels of revolt and revolution — Loop Day and Most Revolutionary. I also post commentary on literature, culture, politics, and topics of the day.

A bio of sorts may be found as my new Preface to Homefront.

Literary works:

Fiction: Empire All In, Homefront, Youthtopia, Ganoga, Texas MFA: Canocanayesatetlo, Most Revolutionary, Loop Day, and short stories.

Criticism: Fiction Gutted: The Establishment and the Novel, and essays.

Co-edited anthology: Liberation Lit. Also a journal archive and blog: Lib Lit and A Practical Policy.

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Progressive populist commentary, research, imaginative lit, and criticism. Currently serializing two lit novels of revolt and revolution — Loop Day and Most Revolutionary.


Author of the literary novels Empire All In, Homefront, Loop Day, Most Revolutionary, Ganoga, Canocanayesatetlo, & Youthtopia; also literary criticism, Fiction Gutted: The Establishment and the Novel; co-editor of the Liberation Lit anthology.